City of Newburgh Poet Laureate
“Poetry is language at its most distilled and most powerful.”
Rita Dove, first African American Poet Laureate
Love Poetry ?
You might be interested in becoming the City of Newburgh Poet Laureate.
The City of Newburgh Poet Laureate will act as an advocate for poetry on behalf of the City of Newburgh, by promoting and emphasizing the importance of poetry in our community.
The selected Poet Laureate will serve a two-year term from January 2023 – December 2024. Applicants must be 18 years of age or older and must reside within the boundaries of the City of Newburgh.
Responsibilities include:
- Present a poetry reading at one government event each year that takes place within the boundaries of the City of Newburgh.
- Present a poetry reading at one “Meet the City Poet Laureate” reading event at the Newburgh Free Library each year.
- Present a poetry reading at one event of the poet’s choice within the boundaries of the city that serves to advance poetry within our community.
- Present a Poetry reading at one significant City of Newburgh event.
- Serve as an Honorary member of the Poet Laureate Committee upon completion of your term.
- Be willing to speak to members of the media and the public to promote poetry.
The deadline to receive applications is 5:00 p.m. on December 16, 2022. The Newburgh Poet Laureate Committee will review all submissions and select the next City of Newburgh Poet Laureate. The name of the selected poet laureate will be announced on a date to be determined in January 2023. Applications can be found here and also in Spanish. Applications are also available at the Newburgh Free Library.