Computer & Tech Classes
For one-on-one appointments to get help with tablets, phones, Library apps, or technology questions, call 563-3625 or fill out this form.
Free Computer Classes
Open to adults ages 18 and older.
See our current offerings and register for Computer Classes on the e-calendar.
Tech Talk
Tech-Talk is a website that arms students, patrons and busy professionals with the missing technology and communications skills they need to achieve Excellence in the Workplace. username and password = nfl
Newburgh Niche Academy
Niche Academy – in partnership with RCLS, this site contains videos to help with library related software as well as general software introductions. Videos include Hoopla, Libby, Social Media and the Catalog.
Self Directed Computer Training, Practice and Classes
Employment & Training – OrangeWorks
Computer classes are often offered through Orange Works.
SUNY Orange
Search the course catalog for computer courses.
Excel Easy
You can use Excel to enter all sorts of data and perform financial, mathematical or statistical calculations.
Goodwill Community Foundation
Online classes in computers, reading and math.
This free educational website teaches older adults and others with basic computer skills how to use the most popular and trusted web resources like Dropbox, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and more.
Learning Express – Popular Software Skills Center
FREE online computer classes including Microsoft products and much more!
Short, introductory computer courses