Borrowing Policies
Library Cards, Internet Guest Passes and Borrowing Policies
Adults and children of any age are welcome to use the Library’s collections and services or participate in programs, provided they follow the Library’s Code of Conduct.
Borrowing Library materials to take home, remote access to research databases, downloading digital materials and use of computer workstations and laptops all require presentation of a Library Card. Our policies set specific guidelines for getting a Library Card or Internet Guest Pass and for borrowing or using Library materials and equipment. The topics below explain these policies.
If you have specific questions about your account, please call Circulation Services at (845) 563-3600 or email
Library Cards
Newburgh Free Library Cards are issued to individuals who live or own property in the Newburgh Enlarged City School District.
If you are not eligible, see Non-Newburgh Residents.
Applying for a New or Replacement Card. You may apply in person or online.
Individuals 18 and over must present a valid photo ID and proof of address. If the address on the photo ID is current, then no additional proof of address is required.
Adult Residents of the Newburgh Enlarged City School District may apply online for a library card. Non-residents must apply in person.
If you don’t have acceptable identification, see Internet Guest Passes below.
Acceptable Identification documents (English)
Acceptable Identification documents (Spanish)
Children at least 4 years of age or older may sign up for a library card. When registering the child, the parent or guardian must supply photo ID and proof of address as outlined above. If the parent or guardian cannot supply photo ID and proof of address as outlined above, the children’s proof of registration in a Newburgh Enlarged City School District school will suffice. The parent or guardian accepts full responsibility for all fines and damaged/lost items charged against a minor child’s account.
All borrowers, including children, have equal access to all library materials. Guidance on selection of materials by children is the responsibility of the parent or guardian.
Children’s cards are coded to allow them to use computers for:
- Under Age 11*
- Ages 12 through 15
- Age 16 and over (Adult Workstations)
What Identification Do Children Need?
- For school-aged children, registration in a district school is the only identification required.
- Parent identification is necessary for private or home-schooled students and for children younger than school age.
Internet Guest Passes
Internet Guest Passes may be granted to individuals from outside our service area or for patrons who have forgotten their library cards. An Internet Day Pass allows you up to 2 sessions on a computer and is good only for that day. It does not allow you to borrow library materials.
Non-Newburgh Residents
If you are not eligible for a Newburgh Free Library Card you may still use the Library’s in-house resources.
Any individual who lives in an area served by another RCLS member library must apply for a library card from their home library. A home library is defined as the library situated within the community where the patron’s primary residence is established.
Individuals who do not meet the eligibility requirements may still receive a card with limited access and borrowing privileges depending on their residency, employment, or school enrollment status.
With varying restrictions, the Newburgh Free Library will also issue cards to:
- Non-residents who work or go to school in the service area
- Temporary visitors
- Organizations and outreach agencies
- Individuals in transitional housing
- Individuals with inadequate identification
These patrons may have limitations on the amount and type of materials they can check out from the library as well as the duration of their accounts. Individuals will be informed of these limitations at the time of account creation.
Confidentiality of Borrower Records
New York State Law and American Library Association policies require that all borrower record information, including the titles of requested or borrowed materials, be kept confidential. For this reason
- We do not tell you the title of a requested item when we call to notify you of availability. This information is available if you receive email or text message notification and can also be viewed online under My Account.
- Titles of materials you have borrowed are permanently deleted from your record when the items are returned. Titles of Lost or Claims Returned items are kept in your record until paid for or otherwise resolved so that we can have clear conversations with you about them.
- Children’s records are equally protected by these laws and policies.
Loan Periods & Renewal
The Newburgh Free Library sets different loan periods depending on the type of material (collection & format). The following is a general guideline for loan periods on items owned by the Newburgh Free Library and is subject to change.
Item | Max Allowed | Loan Period |
Max Number of Items Per Card | 50 | |
Adult Books | 20 | 14 or 21 Days |
Juvenile Books | 20 | 21 Days |
Children’s Wonderbooks | 1 | 21 Days |
Audiobooks | 5 | 21 Days |
Games | 2 | 21 Days |
DVDs – Television Series & Movies for Adults | 10 (5 Newburgh + 5 Other RCLS Libraries) | 7 Days |
DVDs: Juveniles | 2 | 7 Days |
Instructional DVDs | 2 | 21 Days |
Music CD | 10 | 21 Days |
Magazines | 5 | 7 Days (Juvenile & Adult) |
Chromebooks | 1 | 3 months/Adult Patrons Only |
Laptops | 1 | 2 Hours Adults with library cards and photo ID can use a laptop in the library for 2-hour session. Laptops are checked out for 3 hours to allow time to pick up, set up, print and return the laptop. The daily fine for laptops begins to accrue 1 hour after the time due. A laptop is considered to be lost at the end of the business day on which it was checked out. Note: Computer users can have two active sessions per day, whether using a desktop computer, a laptop or both. |
Museum Passes | 1 | 3 Days Museum Passes are loaned to Adults with clean (no fines, or overdues) Newburgh Free Library cards. The maximum fine is $50 and passes are considered to be lost 7 business days after the due date. |
Although most materials can be renewed, some are restricted to one loan period. These include but are not limited to:
- Express (14-Day) Books
- Juvenile DVDs
- Periodicals (magazines)
- InterLibrary Loans from non-RCLS libraries
Fines & Fees
The Newburgh Free Library does not charge fines for most overdue materials; replacement costs for non-returned or damaged items will be charged to the patron’s account. The Library does not accept direct replacement of the item. Other libraries may charge an additional processing fee.
The following is a general guideline for fines on items owned by the Newburgh Free Library and is subject to change:
item | fine |
Adult Materials including: Books, Audiobooks & Other Print Materials | Fine Free |
Adult Media including: CDs, DVDs (Movies & TV Series), Instructional Media | Fine Free |
Juvenile Materials including: Books, Audiobooks & Other Print Materials | Fine Free |
Juvenile Media including: CDs & DVDs | Fine Free |
Laptop Computers, Hiking Kits, & Museum Passes | $10/day. For maximums see under Loan Period |
Fees are as follows and are subject to change:
service | fees |
Photocopies | $0.10/page |
Computer Printouts | $0.10/page B&W, $0.50/page Color |
Faxing | $1.00/page |
Group Visits
We ask that groups larger than five who would like a tour of the library or to get library cards to please call (845) 563-3600 at least one week in advance.
Loss of Library Privileges
Patrons may not be able to check out materials if they owe more than $10.00 in charges of any type.
Borrowing privileges will be restored when the outstanding charges have been paid, including the return of any overdue item and payment for any lost items.
Additional Notes
Library cards are subject to expiration and must be renewed before patrons can borrow materials.
Patrons are expected to carry and present their card — whether physical or digital –when using the Library. However, patrons may also use a photo ID provided that the information on the photo ID matches the information in the Library’s database.
The Newburgh Free Library, in its role as the Central Library of the Ramapo Catskill Library System, also abides by the most current RCLS Free Direct Access Plan, a State-approved agreement between RCLS and the State Education Department’s Division of Library Development of the New York State Library.
Patrons are responsible for all materials borrowed on their card, all use of the card and all charges made against it, until the card is reported lost to the Library.
Do you have another question? Call Circulation Services (845) 563-3600 or email